Death is inevitable.
It will happen to all of us.
Some sooner. Some later.
Friends are important.
Family is even more important.
Even though I wasn't 100% close to them, they are still my flesh & blood.
They suffered enough and now they can rest in peace.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
OMG OMG OMG SHINEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*breath in*breath out*
Screen caps coz they're just sexy as <3
The rest are ALL OF TAEMIN !
coz he's that awesome~
Taemin is absolutely eye-catching in the MV! He looks so different with the long hair, resembling Heechul so much more now!
Look at him when he first debut. He had this cute innocent maknae image.

And now, sexy =P I totally love it!
Jonghyun, you didn't get a headache while filming the MV did you?
Screen caps coz they're just sexy as <3
coz he's that awesome~
Taemin is absolutely eye-catching in the MV! He looks so different with the long hair, resembling Heechul so much more now!
Look at him when he first debut. He had this cute innocent maknae image.

And now, sexy =P I totally love it!
Monday, July 19, 2010
GEO Ash Wings

Base Curve: 8.6mm
Diameter: 14mm
Water Content: 38%
Price: $28AUD
From: Mukuchu
(they're based in Brisbane! =D)
Got them on Sunday from the seller. When I initially saw the lenses in the vials I was thinking, "that's small" lol
Opening the damn vials were a task themselves +_+ but I'm glad at how secure it was...seeing how it traveled all the way from South Korea!
Then I soaked them overnight using Opti-Free Replenish multipurpose solution.

Then I tried them on tonight ! There was some level of discomfort when I first put them in >o< In particular, my right eye...but after putting some eyedrops it was fine. In some photos they came up more blue than grey O_o

I also bought this cute top from Igedo since it was closing down.
Hard to believe it original price was $60 !
I bought it for $19 =3

Thursday, July 15, 2010
Last night was the graduation ceremony.
Pictures say a thousand words so here we go~!
01. Me in my graduation gown ! We didn't have those square hats though but that's ok. University is more fitting to wear those.

02. Back of the gown. There was a hood to it !

03. The ceremony stage ... the MC told us the stage was hollow and not to stomp across the stage when we received our awards lol

04. Me and two most awesome girls ! We laughed so much throughout the 18months that I'm certain our classmates got annoyed by the sound of it xD

05. A back shot of our gowns ? Lol reverse order~

06. FINALLY I have the diploma ! Duno why I'm holding it sideways~

07. Refreshments and food were being served AFTER the ceremony. This is just one of the plates - vietnamese spring rolls & sushi mmmm.....

08. Getting ready before the ceremony. I putting my contacts in =_=
All in all it was a good night despite the fact I got a fever during the ceremony.
There were more photos but I'm too lazy to net is capped as it is.
Pictures say a thousand words so here we go~!
01. Me in my graduation gown ! We didn't have those square hats though but that's ok. University is more fitting to wear those.

02. Back of the gown. There was a hood to it !

03. The ceremony stage ... the MC told us the stage was hollow and not to stomp across the stage when we received our awards lol

04. Me and two most awesome girls ! We laughed so much throughout the 18months that I'm certain our classmates got annoyed by the sound of it xD

05. A back shot of our gowns ? Lol reverse order~

06. FINALLY I have the diploma ! Duno why I'm holding it sideways~

07. Refreshments and food were being served AFTER the ceremony. This is just one of the plates - vietnamese spring rolls & sushi mmmm.....

08. Getting ready before the ceremony. I putting my contacts in =_=

All in all it was a good night despite the fact I got a fever during the ceremony.
There were more photos but I'm too lazy to net is capped as it is.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Lucas' Papaw Ointment

Made in Australia.
Made from paw paws.
Popular among girls, both domestic & international.
Can be used "for boils, burns, chafing, cuts, cracked skin, gravel rash, splinters, open wounds, insect bites and nappy rash."
I was very skeptical about this product when my friend first introduced me to it. How can such a small product, containing only paw paw, be THAT great? I was not interested and the smell put me off as well.
About 7 months later I go and buy one out of impulse, seeing it was so cheap ($5AUD)~ The smell wasn't as overwhelming as the first time.
A good about this is the tube is bright RED.
Makes it a whole lot easier when rummaging through the bag and not blending in with the base of the bag.
However, the lid....when the seal is broken off it's jagged.
I read some reviews on for this & there were many positive reviews. I also found it doesn't ONLY contain fermented paw paw but petroleum jelly as well.
I only just bought it today so I'm not for or against it yet.
July 12
I keep having this nagging feeling that it's someone's birthday today but I can't remember who...=\
Anyways I went out to the city (Yes, AGAIN) to hang out with my friends from Tafe. It was good to catch up with them after not seeing them for two weeks~
We went to a korean restuarant for lunch and chatted. When my friend went back to Japan I requested if she could buy me fashion magazines while she was there....
Annnnnnnnnnddd.....HERE THEY ARE! =D
July issues of ViVi & Popteen

I am sooo happy I don't have to resort to online downloading for this month lol
She also brought back this adorable Totoro keychain! I was so not expecting it! I still haven't taken it out of its plastic packaging, I don't want it to get dirty >o<

Then we headed off to our other friend's new apartment, which has the most fantastic view! The second photo is the Story Bridge right across the place she's staying at.

Anyways I went out to the city (Yes, AGAIN) to hang out with my friends from Tafe. It was good to catch up with them after not seeing them for two weeks~
We went to a korean restuarant for lunch and chatted. When my friend went back to Japan I requested if she could buy me fashion magazines while she was there....
Annnnnnnnnnddd.....HERE THEY ARE! =D

I am sooo happy I don't have to resort to online downloading for this month lol
She also brought back this adorable Totoro keychain! I was so not expecting it! I still haven't taken it out of its plastic packaging, I don't want it to get dirty >o<

Then we headed off to our other friend's new apartment, which has the most fantastic view! The second photo is the Story Bridge right across the place she's staying at.

Saturday, July 10, 2010
19 years old ~ !

Today marks a momentous occasion! My birthday =)
I am now 19 years old =_= That's the last year of being a 'teen' lol
I quickly organised a small dinner with my close friends, only one of them was unable to make it but that was alright. So once I met up with one of my friends we headed together to meet our other friend who was still working. We were actually on the opposite road, watching her working. Then she comes out holding her phone, we waited at the crossing and as she walks towards us....SHE PROCEEDS TO WALK STRAIGHT PAST US!!!!!! =O
Then I was, like, yeah let's just follow her from behind and so we did. She didn't notice us until the last minute when she stopped.
It used to be an old church that is now a pancake restaurant. We had to wait about 15-20mins because there was a queue. Shows just how popular having pancakes for dinner is! The thing that annoys the crap out of me is that prices aren't shown the menu EXCEPT for the pancakes. Like my friend ate this Greek kind crepe but it had no price next to it.

I got the Blackforest Cherry or whatever it was called. It was chocolate pancakes with cherries around it~~~Soooo sweeeet ~ The cherries tasted fantastic! AND there was a scoop of ice cream on top too! Tastes best while it is still hot!
After dinner I wanted to take sticky photos and my friends agreed to my selfish wish ~
I went to meet my work mate at the Fortitude Valley train station because we planned on going to Reiji's together with her friends.
We headed to the X&Y Bar first. I had this pink drink that was sweet~It was quite nice. We chilled there for a bit then headed over to Cloudland. The interior decor for Cloud land is gorgeous~That sounds cheesy but it is! It was just this classy feel to it.
Then FINALLY Reiji's! The queue wasn't that long, entrance was cheap, there was a mix of white&black&asian people mingling. Two floors: Bottom floor is dancefloor, top floor is overviewing the dance floor and seats on the sides.
Didn't recognize some of the songs but I was sooo insanely happy when they started playing some kpop songs! I recall:
2NE1 - Fire
2NE1 - Pretty Boy
SNSD - Gee
Suju - Sorry Sorry (haha when this song came on, my friend & I began doing the sorry sorry dance along with everyone else xD)
Wonder Girls - Nobody
English ones were alright but yes there definitely should've been more kpop songs!
I had a scarf on that night but I had to tie to my bag =|
Thankfully my bag is a shoulder bag.

I encountered this Brazilian guy that kept wanting to dance with me =_= It was so annoying....
Then there was this cute blondie who danced with me xD But I kinda rejected him half way while dancing ...........
Then there was this 23yo korean guy who came up to me & friend and began dancing...I was liek 'WTF? Go away.' Turns out he wanted to be friends and asked me for my number....
Overall, I enjoyed my first experience at Reiji's =)
Truth to be told, I prefer KK ~
To end off this post, a photo of the gifts my friends gave me.

LEFT: A cute fragile little box that can store my earrings or rings or whatever I fancy.
RIGHT: A hair damage protector, which is quite useful since I frequently straighten & blowdry my hair.
Monday, July 5, 2010
... Do I Choose You???
Ever since last year I've been on a perfume hunt, trying to find that one that I like best and would best suit me. I've been in the same department stores over and over again and could never make up my mind every time I went >o<
I'd pick one up, spray it, smell it & think,"Yes! This is the one!" then I'd look at the price and slowly put it back on the shelf and walk away. I've done this soooo many times~!
So today I was determined to buy myself one before I went home. I walked around in the city for about an hour and half, smelling the perfumes and checking out the prices. The high-end stores were more expensive but I did find that a few pharmacies sold perfumes as well at a slightly lower price.
Eventually I was torn between Daisy by Marc Jacobs and Oscar De La Renta Soft Blossom.

Daisy is a light, fresh scent that is ideal for everyday use. Would be perfect to use during Spring/Summer seasons! This cute little bottle contains "notes of: grapefruit, strawberries and violet with underlying notes of musk and jasmine."
Just hearing that doesn't it make you think it would smell wonderfully sweet ?
Soft Blossom is just this wonderful soft floral fragrance and has got "notes of grapefruit and pink peppercorns mix with a smattering of rose petals". This is slightly stronger than Daisy and lasts longer (as I can still smell it even after my shower!)
So yes it down to these two >O<
And, in the end................
I eventually bought Daisy by Marc Jacobs! =D

I have intentions of buying Soft Blossom at a later date ~ or convince someone else to buy it for me =P ~ Because who says a girl can't have more than one bottle of perfume???
I'd pick one up, spray it, smell it & think,"Yes! This is the one!" then I'd look at the price and slowly put it back on the shelf and walk away. I've done this soooo many times~!
So today I was determined to buy myself one before I went home. I walked around in the city for about an hour and half, smelling the perfumes and checking out the prices. The high-end stores were more expensive but I did find that a few pharmacies sold perfumes as well at a slightly lower price.
Eventually I was torn between Daisy by Marc Jacobs and Oscar De La Renta Soft Blossom.

Daisy is a light, fresh scent that is ideal for everyday use. Would be perfect to use during Spring/Summer seasons! This cute little bottle contains "notes of: grapefruit, strawberries and violet with underlying notes of musk and jasmine."
Just hearing that doesn't it make you think it would smell wonderfully sweet ?
Soft Blossom is just this wonderful soft floral fragrance and has got "notes of grapefruit and pink peppercorns mix with a smattering of rose petals". This is slightly stronger than Daisy and lasts longer (as I can still smell it even after my shower!)
So yes it down to these two >O<
And, in the end................
I eventually bought Daisy by Marc Jacobs! =D
I have intentions of buying Soft Blossom at a later date ~ or convince someone else to buy it for me =P ~ Because who says a girl can't have more than one bottle of perfume???
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Shopping today =]
Since my holidays started I haven't done much, just stay at home or work.
Today I went out with a high school friend and we shopped in the city.
The mission today was to find a birthday present for me since it's next week. She told me not to leave it up to her imagination so off we went !
At first I mentioned I wanted perfume but I changed my mind and said let's get me a bag for clubbing instead. I really wanted one of those bags that hangs similar to a sports bag....? Like I didn't want to carry it around while I was inside dancing in a club.
Yeah we visited various stores until I settled at Forever New. Well more like she did. I liked the look of this bag and she's, like, "Ok we're getting this one!"

I know it looks a lil weird with the whole flowery thing on it & how the handle isn't consistent but I like it <3 It's different from the other bags I have so that's a good thing!
We also went on a perfume hunt since a particular store was having a sale. I have fallen in love with Oscar Soft Blossom ~~~ Sooo sweet & it's a subtle scent too! I can't seem to find many reviews for this though ~ I really should just purchase it since I want a bottle of perfume.
Today I went out with a high school friend and we shopped in the city.
The mission today was to find a birthday present for me since it's next week. She told me not to leave it up to her imagination so off we went !
At first I mentioned I wanted perfume but I changed my mind and said let's get me a bag for clubbing instead. I really wanted one of those bags that hangs similar to a sports bag....? Like I didn't want to carry it around while I was inside dancing in a club.
Yeah we visited various stores until I settled at Forever New. Well more like she did. I liked the look of this bag and she's, like, "Ok we're getting this one!"

I know it looks a lil weird with the whole flowery thing on it & how the handle isn't consistent but I like it <3 It's different from the other bags I have so that's a good thing!
We also went on a perfume hunt since a particular store was having a sale. I have fallen in love with Oscar Soft Blossom ~~~ Sooo sweet & it's a subtle scent too! I can't seem to find many reviews for this though ~ I really should just purchase it since I want a bottle of perfume.
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