Base Curve: 8.6mm
Diameter: 14mm
Water Content: 38%
Price: $28AUD
From: Mukuchu
(they're based in Brisbane! =D)
Got them on Sunday from the seller. When I initially saw the lenses in the vials I was thinking, "that's small" lol
Opening the damn vials were a task themselves +_+ but I'm glad at how secure it was...seeing how it traveled all the way from South Korea!
Then I soaked them overnight using Opti-Free Replenish multipurpose solution.

Then I tried them on tonight ! There was some level of discomfort when I first put them in >o< In particular, my right eye...but after putting some eyedrops it was fine. In some photos they came up more blue than grey O_o

I also bought this cute top from Igedo since it was closing down.
Hard to believe it original price was $60 !
I bought it for $19 =3

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